In the Replace list, select a font, and then select a similar font from the With list.On the Home tab, navigate to the Editing group, select the arrow next to Replace, and then select Replace Fonts.This allows the person without the original font to make reasonable edits to the presentation, as they will be able to see and edit the text normally. Under Preserve fidelity when sharing this document, check the Embed fonts in the file option.

Click the Options link at the bottom of the menu that appears.
If you are not the original creator of the file, but have a font that must be changed in an existing file, use the following steps to replace all instances of that particular font in the file. When opening on a system without the font, PowerPoint automatically displays using a similar font but does not change the font that is specified in the XML. To embed a font, click the File menu while working on a document in the Windows versions of Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher.

In PowerPoint 2010, Select File > Save As.Using the computer on which the presentation was created, follow these steps to replace the restricted fonts with fonts that can be embedded: This problem occurs because the fonts that you used are either restricted fonts or cannot be embedded. When you open a PowerPoint 2010 or later presentation that was created on a different computer and saved in the "PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation" format with the fonts embedded, you find that the original fonts are replaced by other fonts.